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Android Web service using Ksoap 2

  • Create a new android project in eclipse.
  • Open main.xml. -> Take 4  Textview with id 1) android:id="@+id/txtAddition" 2)android:id="@+id/txtSubraction"  3)android:id="@+id/txtMultiplication"  4)android:id="@+id/txtDivision".
  • Download Ksoap library from this link.
  • we have to include “<uses-permission android:name=”android.permission.INTERNET” />” inside AndroidManifest.xml.

Notes :

  • NAMESPACE = “”; We refer this name from the actual web project on backend. The name of package on backend on serverside was org.web.backend.calculator. So we need to write the reverse order of package name.
  • URL = “”; Here Your comp Ip addr is required. Localhost wont work.
  • Thats it, you can run the following application. Before running the app, make sure your server is running on Backend.


  1. Dhaval,

    Great post, I have been struggling with Axis2 1.62/Eclipse/Tomcat issue for a while. You are the only person who suggested using 1.41 that come with most of the those required jars. And also adding that server-config file.

    Apparently if you run Axis2 1.62 on its own and then install it into Eclipse it jars the jar files. I am a complete noob but you were a great help.



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