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Showing posts from December, 2019

Add flutter to existing app — Challenges

I am using flutter last 2 year & successfully released 2 flutter apps on production before 2–3 month, decide to add flutter in existing android & iOS app(while it was in beta-experimental stage). Flutter team have provide better way to add same in flutter v1.2 —  Good document than beta. Article is not about integrate flutter in existing app but, It’s about challenges which i have faced after adding flutter in existing app. I have integrate flutter module with my existing iOS & Android App (Same Application for both platform), developed 2 new features in flutter module & released successfully. In last week I have to add new feature in flutter module which user is able to pick file from phone & upload it on server. I have decided to use  file_picker: ^1.4.3+2 . Now, what I have is Native Application + Flutter Module < = > Image_picker Plugin in one App. In which I faced below challenges. Same time flutter v1.12 released A...