If you are new in Titanium Appcelerator then check first part clickhere
create new file in main_windos folder name 'mainscreen.js';
put below code in login.js in button click
put below code in to 'mainscreen.js'
create new file in main_windos folder name 'mainscreen.js';
put below code in login.js in button click
if(username.value != '' && password.value != ''){
//alert("You are login!");
if(username.value == 'dhaval' && password.value == 'dhaval'){
loSubwin = Titanium.UI.createWindow({
url: 'mainscreen.js',
title: 'Home',
alert("Please Enter User name & Password!");
put below code in to 'mainscreen.js'
var win = Titanium.UI.currentWindow;
var myCars = new Array();
myCars[0] = "Android";
myCars[1] = "iPhone";
myCars[2] = "Dhaval Sodha Parmar";
var comment = new Array();
comment[0] = "Google Product...";
comment[1] = "Apple Product...";
comment[2] = "DJ-Android";
var img = new Array();
img[0] = "http://im.tech2.in.com/gallery/2012/oct/android_42_251412547482_640x360.jpg";
img[1] = "http://images.macworld.com/images/article/2012/09/iphone5_large-294128.jpg";
img[2] = "https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-Xky7Yh54i8c/AAAAAAAAAAI/AAAAAAAAAAA/nvx1glZaRvk/s48-c-k/photo.jpg";
function loadTweets() {
var rowData = [];
for (var i = 0; i < myCars.length; i++) {
var tweet = myCars[i];
// The tweet message
var user = comment[i];
// The screen name of the user
var avatar = img[i];
// The profile image
var row = Titanium.UI.createTableViewRow({
height : 50
// Create the view that will contain the text and avatar
var post_view = Titanium.UI.createView({
height : 'auto',
layout : 'vertical',
top : 5,
right : 5,
bottom : 5,
left : 5
// Create image view to hold profile pic
var av_image = Titanium.UI.createImageView({
url : avatar, // the image for the image view
top : 0,
left : 0,
height : 48,
width : 48
// Create the label to hold the screen name
var user_lbl = Titanium.UI.createLabel({
text : user,
left : 54,
width : 120,
top : -48,
bottom : 2,
height : 16,
textAlign : 'left',
font : {
fontFamily : 'Trebuchet MS',
fontSize : 14,
fontWeight : 'bold'
// Create the label to hold the tweet message
var tweet_lbl = Titanium.UI.createLabel({
text : tweet,
left : 54,
top : 7,
bottom : 2,
height : 'auto',
width : 236,
textAlign : 'left',
font : {
fontSize : 14
// Add the post view to the row
// Give each row a class name
row.className = "item" + i;
// Add row to the rowData array
rowData[i] = row;
// Create the table view and set its data source to "rowData" array
var tableView = Titanium.UI.createTableView({
data : rowData
//Add the table view to the window
Run this app in to Android & iOS device check output.
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