1. Open the Android AVD and SDK Manager 2. Select Available Packages in the left panel of AVD Manager. 3. Click “Add ADD-on Site” and enter the URL below. http://innovator.samsungmobile.com/android/repository/srepository.xml 4. Check Samsung GALAXY Tab Add-on packages and click install button. 5. Check Samsung GALAXY Tab Add-on license & Click install button. 6) After downloading and installation of GALAXY Tab Add-on, you should restart ADB (Android Debug Bridge) or Eclipse. The important specs of this device, from an Emulator perspective, are: Target platform: Android 2.2, Galaxy Tab Screen Info: High Density, despite the fact that it’s not, this is what it reports, WSVGA (1024×600) No keyboard Has dual cameras Let’s create an AVD configuration called GalaxyTab: Within Eclipse, launch the Android SDK and AVD Manager Select “Virtual Devices” from the left-hand options Click the “New” button to create a new AVD configura...