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Showing posts from May, 2015

Android Material Design - 3 (Android RecyclerView and CardView)

Android Lollipop features two new widgets to make your life easier,    RecyclerView      and   CardView . Download full example on  Github . RecyclerView This widget is a container for displaying large data sets that can be scrolled very efficiently by maintaining a limited number of views. Use the  RecyclerView  widget when you have data collections whose elements change at runtime based on user action or network events. The RecyclerView and CardView both are available in the Android support library, to use support library in android studio. your app root folder -> right click -> open module setting -> select your module -> select dependence tab -> click on + sign -> Library dependence, add both library. now create layout for RecycleView : <RelativeLayout xmlns:android="

Android Material Design - 2 (Good bay ActionBar, Hello ToolBar with Navigation Drawer)

hello all, after long time i have update my blog with android material Design theme, i am tying to demonstrate new things which is available with android lollipop. using different example i 'll show you, one sample app with material design which include ToolBar, Floting Actions, Tabs, Cardview, Recycle view. Download full example on  Github . In this example we will take a look at the new Actionbar replacement called Toolbar. It is introduced in Android Lollipop, API level 21 release, and hence it is available to use, out of box for the application that are targeted to 21 and above. However, as always Google provides fully supported Toolbar features to lower android os devices via AppCompact support library. In AppCompat, Toolbar is implemented in the  class. Pre-requirements: 1. Android Studio 1.0.1 (Latest while writing the post) 2. Appcombat v7 Support librar...